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Federația Patronilor Bihor la masa de lucru cu parlamentarii PNL de Bihor
03/02/2022UNPR participated as a speaker, with the invaluable collaboration of the POIM (Policy Instrument) Management Authority and, specifically, by the hand of its highest representative Mr. Chivu, who presented the future of the policy instruments for Romania in water matter.
– All the presentations and videos of the event are also available at http://bigdata4rivers.aimrd.es –
Within the scope of BIGDATA 4RIVERS, 2 inter-regional knowledge transfer seminars are planned, one in Portugal and the other in Spain, aiming to improve regional knowledge & skills for the implementation of a smart water management in their territories.
These events were designed as a way of exchanging experiences to include other human resources other than those intended exclusively for the implementation of the project, that is, local and regional entities, whose activity is linked to the management and monitoring of waters and rivers, especially the technicians of the Policy Instrument Management Authorities and other members of Local Stakeholder Groups (LSG).
The second Transfer Seminar will be held on 13th and 14th of January 2022, in an online format. The Iberian Association of Douro Riverine Municipalities (AIMRD), the Spanish partner of the project, will host this event.
The 2nd Knowledge Transfer Seminar was based on 3 thematic panels:
Panel I: Managing authorities involved in the Project;
Panel II: BIGDATA technology and water resources managing;
Panel III: Good practices and the best technologies available.
On the second day of the event a virtual study visit will take place where four good practices practiced in Spanish territory will be presented, followed by a brief exposure period related to the programme’s expectations for the action plans and next steps.
The 4 Spanish good practices presented will be as follows:
“Automatic Hydrological Information System (SAIH) of the Duero River Basin Authority” which is useful for detection of possible extraordinary situations, helping to initiate the communication protocols of those situations with the different entities involved.
“Water treatment technology in wine cellars”, having as its objective the improvement in the treatment and reuse of waste water in wine production and red aging warehouse, which allows to reduce costs and increase efficiency in wastewater treatment from wineries.
“ALICE and Reviving Douro Basin Projects – Integrated social, economic and environmental analytical tools and models at river basin scale”, whose objective is to protect biodiversity while securing human activities by implementing blue and green infrastructure to adapt to climate change.
“Wastewater treatment plan in small municipalities” consisting of a sequential depuration of nutrients with remote control (DSNT) which allows the minimization of space required, easier implementation (plug and play system) and low installed energy requirement for a water purification system.
In the dedicated microsite bigdata4rivers.aimrd.es is provided a registration form, programme and additional information about this event.