UNPR finalizează în data de 24.05.2021 Cursul de calificare Lucrător electronică automatizări pentru seria 2 de cursanți
31/05/2021UNPR demareaza în data de 02.06.2021 Cursul de calificare Lucrător electronică automatizări pentru seria 3 si seria 4 de cursanți
01/06/2021Last May 2021, a series of meetings took place in virtual form in the BIGDATA 4RIVERS project. The main reason was the site visit to Romania by the members of the project and their partners, and on the other hand, the exchange of experiences between the member countries of the consortium.
These days had a clear common thread, information and communication technologies in the field of water management and monitoring, were developed throughout the 11th and 12th of the month.
On the first day, the representative of Romania, Cristóbal Toro made a brief presentation of the country and the state of the art regarding the project. In the same way, and on behalf of Romania, a very interesting presentation was made on „IoT solutions in cloud monitoring and control of wastewater treatment plants” by Professor Stelian Brad from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and president of the Cluster IT Cluj.
Very illustrative of the central theme of these conferences were the interventions of the partners from Spain who spoke about automation of flood risk modeling in basin headwaters through Artificial Intelligence and Big Data techniques, and Portugal with a presentation on the progress of a pilot project on irrigation Management in Portugal within SIGIMAP.
The morning of presentations was completed by Greece and Lithuania who presented „Water quality monitoring with the use of robotic boats” and a summary of the state of the art in ICT in Water management in Lithuania, respectively.
Throughout the second day of meetings, exchanges of experiences and presentations of good practices took place by the members of the project consortium and their respective local partners. So first thing in the morning, the host opened the session with a Good Practice entitled „Integrated wastewater management” by Aurelia Onet, Professor of the University of Oradea.
A very interesting presentation by the Romanian partner took place live from Japan and on the occasion of the Innovation, research and technology transfer center “nano for health & clean environment”.
To conclude the day and these meeting sessions, Portugal presented a very interesting study „Monitoring the impact of Nature-based Solutions on water quality”, and the Greek partners „Monitoring of Asopos river basin: Chemical assessment of emerging contaminants”.
With this, the representative of Romania closed the meetings, once again held online due to the pandemic.